O Great Lover Who Pursues Us
A love song based on Song of Songs and the poetry of St. Augustine.
O Great Lover who pursues us, come delight to stir our hearts
Call us back with full devotion Kindle now your fire in us
Let us scent you, taste your sweetness Carry us away to thrive
Let us love you ever deeper Let us hasten to your side
Bounding o’er the hills you beckon, “Rise, my love and come away”.
Winter’s past and Spring is blooming Now has come the time to sing
Wake the winds upon this garden Waft the fragrance all around
We with joy to you belonging dance within your perfect love
Who is like our great Beloved now appearing as the dawn?
All of heav’n in grand procession praise Love’s beauty bright as the sun
Set us as a seal upon you Troubled hearts will find their rest
Yours is love to stand harsh waters, love that lives as strong as death
text © 2018 Worldmaking.net (ASCAP)
All rights reserved. Use only with permission, please.
Licensed via OneLicense.net, CCLI and Worldmaking.net.
tune: Hyfrydol
Sing it with your circle
The Chart Package
piano score
lead sheet
guitar/bass chart
jpg of congregational line for bulletins/projection
lyric sheet
songleader's guide
The Accompaniment Pack
all charts above PLUS:
powerpoint lyric slides
original mp3 recording
mp3 instrumental accompaniment track
O Great Lover Who Pursues Us
Chart Package
Only $10.00
O Great Lover Who Pursues Us
Accomp Pack
Only $12.00