Listening People (2021)
It's a big batch of 23 songs designed for community singing. There's a wide variety of styles here, from piano-based hymns to rock band arrangements to choir-congregation pieces. Thanks to my wonderful patrons who heard all these songs and supported this music first!

1. In This One Holy One (An Invocation)
2. To Be Honest (A Confession and Absolution)
3. Make a New Heart (A Create In Me)
4. Imago Dei (Words of Assurance)
5. O Great Lover Who Pursues Us (A Love Song)
6. You Belong (Holy Baptism)
7. Listening People (A Prayer of Illumination)
8. Holy Company (A Beatitudes Proclamation)
9. The Cathedral (An Earth Proclamation)
10. Even Death Now (An All Saints Proclamation)
11. Imani Moja (A Worldwide Unity Proclamation)
12. We Say Yes to You (A Whole-Hearted Blessing)
13. Open Hand (Offering)
14. This is Our Path (An Affirmation of Faith)
15. God, Known and Unknown (A Proclamation of Wonder)
16. Teach Us What it Means to Pray (Prayer Prep)
17. Lament (A Prayer)
18. Eucharist
19. Eat This Mystery
20. Meal of Creation
21. Christ Within (a Lorica Sending)
22. Do Not Lose Heart (A Benediction)
23. This Creative Love (A Sending)
How Good: Paperless Communion Songs (2019)
Singable community songs for in or outdoors. This collection features abbreviated liturgical pieces perfect for shorter Communion settings. Built especially for guitar accompaniment. No F chords, friends. You're welcome.

1. How Good to Be Together (A Call to Worship)
2. Have Mercy, O God (A Kyrie)
3. Glory and Peace (A Gloria!)
4. Hallelujah! Words of Life! (A Gospel Acclamation)
5. You Are Slow (A Lenten Gospel Acclamation)
6. We Pray, We Love (Prayers)
7. From the Seeds of the Earth (An Offertory)
8. We Lift Up Our Hearts (A Sursum Corda)
9. Holy Hosanna (A Sanctus)
10. A Salaamu Lakum (Peace)
11. Lamb of God (An Agnus Dei)
12. We Work for Peace (A Declaration)
13. We Go (A Nunc Dimittis)
14. Friends Benediction (A Benediction)
Branching Out: Acoustic (2017)
Designed for kids and youth, these songs match Bible stories from the gospel of John 15-- themes of friendship, purpose, and love. Easy to teach, fun to sing at campfires or in any small group setting. They work great indoors, too!

1. This is the Place We Camp
2. I'm the Vine
3. Love One Another
4. I Choose You
5. God's Voice Anywhere
6. Walk With Me
7. Nothing Can Pull Us Away
8. The Tree Song
9. Light to the Night
10. This Fire
11. God's Flame of Love
12. Forest of the Church
13. Discipleship Rap
14. For This Rare Good Food
Refreshingly catchy, memorable, uplifting and singable tunes.
Larry Stacy
Director, Spirit Driven worship band
People of Hope (ELCA), Rochester, MN
Engaging, accessible songs perfect for children & youth of all ages.
Jacob Nault
College student/worship leader
Pilgrim Center Camp (UCC)
Ripon, WI
Good music with grace-centered theology. The songs evoke playful and thoughtful participation through energetic melodies joined to lyrics that summon us to shared life in Christ.
Rev. Mike Blair
Campus pastor, Luther College
Decorah, IA
Richard's seminary thesis in song form reinterprets ancient liturgical forms into post-modern terms. Styles include pop-folk, hymn forms, choruses, and cantor-congregational dialogues. These songs are easily accompanied by organ, piano, small ensemble, or band.

"Worldmaking bounds past most with regards to singability and musical appeal... Beatle-esque pop canticles."
-Worship Leader magazine
"Inspiring, transforming, life-giving, and full of the love of God. AND it can be sung by the whole congregation."
- Rev. Don Portwood
Lyndale UCC, Minneapolis, MN
Anna of Asher, celebrating the prophetess from Luke 2
Brother Sister Creatures, an animal blessing around Psalm 104.
Even the Stork, a song for Jeremiah 8:7
The Flag is Too Close to the Cross, a lament for the collusion of patriotism with faith.
Forty Days, hoping, waiting, trusting in Lent.
God, Make Me a Channel, the Prayer of St. Francis.
Ground and Source of All That Is, a hymn of fresh images, metaphors and models for God.
Holy Body, proclaiming loudly that we belong to one another.
Mark Us, an Ash Wednesday song around Genesis 2 and Psalm 90.
Now I Am Revealing, singing Isaiah 48:6
Ode to Fruit, singing the fruit of the Spirit from Ephesians 5.
One Heart with a New Spirit, an upbeat prayer with Ezekiel for renewal and transformation.
Speak Up!, for those moments you know it's time to take a risk.
This Body is Holy, an affirmation of physical bodies and how we treat one another.
To the One Making Way, generous hospitality for immigrants.
We Light a Candle, an Advent candle-lighting song.
The Word of God Fleshed, an Advent justice song.
We Work For Peace, a protest song about love and heartbreak.
Your Light Has Come, a short Epiphany piece for Isaiah 60.